IWD Video Series, Episode 2: Why is it important to support gender diversity and inclusion?

Four women stand in front of a wall with their arms crossed in the symbol for 'equity'.
Thursday, March 9, 2023

Our video series for International Women’s Day continues with a new episode discussing our efforts to include more women in our teams and maintain a balanced talent pool of both women and men.

We thrive on being the best reflection of society, with unique perspectives and different skill sets to be able to grow and generate creativity, critical thinking and innovation.

Listen to Timothy J. Donahue, Chairman of the Board & CEO; Andrea J. Funk, Director of the Board; Christy Kalaus, VP - Corporate Controller and Sidonie Lécluse, SVP – Diversity and Inclusion talk about how we, at Crown, foster all women all women to join our group for a successful career ahead.


We invite you to learn more about how we celebrate International Women’s Day on www.crowncork.com. Stay tuned for another episode in our series coming out tomorrow for more perspectives from our team.